Teotihuacan pyramids and Basilica of Guadalupe

Visit the largest pre-Hispanic city in central Mexico.

When visiting the archaeological zone of Teotihuacán, you will find several outstanding points of interest:

• Temple of the Sun: It is the largest structure in Teotihuacán and one of the largest ones in Mesoamerica. You can climb to the top to enjoy an impressive panoramic view.

• Temple of the Moon: Located in the northern part of the Calzada de los Muertos, it is another outstanding point of Teotihuacán. You can also climb to the top to have a panoramic view.

• Calzada de los Muertos: It is a main avenue that crosses the center of the old city. Along the causeway, you will find several important buildings and structures.

• Citadel: It is a large ceremonial plaza with the famous Temple of Quetzalcóatl, also known as the Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent. This structure is decorated with reliefs and sculptures of feathered serpents.

• Site museum: Within the archaeological zone, there is a museum that exhibits artifacts found in Teotihuacán, giving you a more detailed insight into the history and culture of this ancient city.

• If you plan to visit Teotihuacán, I recommend that you bring comfortable clothes and shoes, sunscreen, a hat, and water, since the weather can be hot. Also, consider arriving early to avoid crowds and better enjoy your experience.

Visit the Basilica of Guadalupe

• The Basilica of Guadalupe is a major pilgrimage site and an iconic symbol of the Catholic faith in Mexico.

• The Basilica of Guadalupe consists of two main buildings: the Old Basilica and the New Basilica.

• The miracles of the apparition of the Virgin Mary of Guadalupe, occurred in December 1531.

• It is probably the second most visited Catholic Church in the world.

• Enjoy the entire complex, also called La Villa de Guadalupe.

Tour time: 8 hours
Pick up time: suggested time 8am or at your time
Cost: Private tour 1-2 people= $1,900.00 pesos per person
Groups of 3 or more = $1,700.00 pesos per person

Does not Include

IMPORTANT NOTE - The meeting points can be: Condesa, Roma, Centro Histórico, Coyoacán, Reforma Avenue, Polanco. Extra charge of $ 200.00 pesos for the distance, for example: Santa Fe or Satellite.